Ben Alder round

Statistics Area: Loch Treig to Loch Ericht Munro’s: Aonach Beag (Alder), Beinn Bheoil, Beinn Eibhinn, Ben Alder, Carn Dearg (Loch Pattack), Geal-charn (Alder) Date walked: 06/05/2012 Time taken: 13 hours Distance: 55 km Ascent:...

Strathfarrar 4

Statistics Area: Kyle of Lochalsh to Garve Munro’s: Carn nan Gobhar (Strathfarrar), Sgurr a’Choire Ghlais, Sgurr Fhuar-thuill, Sgurr na Ruaidhe Date walked: 15/04/2012 Time taken: 6.2 hours Distance: 25 km Ascent: 1650m The Route...

Beinn Fhada and A’ Ghlas-bheinn

Statistics Area: Loch Duich to Cannich Munro’s: A’ Ghlas-bheinn, Beinn Fhada Date walked: 31/03/2012 Time taken: 6.5 hours Distance: 23 km Ascent: 1700m The Route   Introduction After walking Beinn Sgriteall yesterday and drinking...

Western Cairngorm Four Munro’s

Statistics Area: Cairngorms Munro’s: Beinn Bhrotain, Monadh Mor, Mullach Clach a’Bhlair, Sgor Gaoith Date walked: 18/03/2012 Time taken: 8.9 hours Distance: 37.4 km Ascent: 1900m The Route Download .gpx file here Introduction After not...

Avon calling

Statistics Area: Cairngorms Munro’s: Beinn a’Bhuird, Beinn a’Chaorainn (Cairngorms), Beinn Bhreac, Ben Avon Date walked: 26/02/2012 Time taken: 10.22 hours Distance: 47 km (walk 35km, cycle 12km) Ascent: 2000m Introduction Weather constant drizzle all...

Stuchd an Lochain

Statistics Area: Loch Rannoch to Glen Lyon Munro: Stuchd an Lochain Date walked: 14/01/2012 Time taken: 2.2 hours Distance: 9 km Ascent: 750m The Route   Introduction I had been looking at trying to...

Two Munros and a Corbett

Statistics Area: Loch Treig to Loch Ericht Munro’s: Carn Dearg (Corrour), Sgor Gaibhre Corbetts: Beinn Pharlagain Date walked: 27/08/2011 Time taken: 6.55 hours Distance: 25 km Ascent: 1200m The Route   Introduction Having not...