Ben Lomond

Area: Loch Lomond to Strathyre
Munro: Ben Lomond
Date walked: 04/07/2009
Time taken: 2 hours
Distance: 12 km
Ascent: 990m
The Route
Ben Lomond is a single Munro sitting on its own 44km North West of Glasgow and 3km East of Loch Lomond in the Loch Lomond and the Trossachs National park.
The Walk
Ben Lomond In The Mist.
It seems like my Munro walks are always in the mist most of the time lately and Ben Lomond was to be no exception. I left Dunfermline early and arrived at Rowardennan at about 0650. I parked on the waterfront along from the pier and after a quick change I set of on my way at about 0700.
It’s quite an easy walk to follow. Just follow the path into the woods to the right of the Youth Hostel and follow the clear path all the way to the top. The path is rocky in places but is quite straightforward. I stopped after ascending about 200 metres to take a couple of pictures because the rest of the mountain was in the mist and It was likely that this would be my only photo opportunity today.
It was then just a case of head down and work all the way to the top. About 100 metres from the top two mountain bikers came cycling down. They had set of at 0500 and pushed the bikes all the way up. What some people do in the name of enjoyment lol. Now they were going to enjoy what will be a swift descent.
When I arrived at the top the mist was thick with almost no visibility. There was one other walker though, a guy from Aberdeen. He was down in Glasgow visiting relatives and took this opportunity to bag this Munro. So, after a quick picture of the trig point on the summit I jog all the way back down. I get back to the car at 0910 and after a quick change into dry clothes I then head back home. There were a number of walkers on the hill that I passed on the way down and more were arriving as I left so it looks like, as usual, it will be a busy day on Ben Lomond.